日本財団 図書館


?@Polaramine (Chiorpheniramine maleate tablets 2 mg)
?AAtarax (Hydroxyzine HCI tablets 10 mg)
?BZesulan (Mequitazine tablets 3 mg)
Antihistamines improve symptoms of allergy by antagonizing histamine, which induces allergic reactions. Product ?A is also effective for the treatment of anxiety, tension, and irritation associated with neurosis. Product ?B has less potential for inducing the common adverse reactions to antihistamines (e.g., drowsiness, malaise, and dizziness).
Indications: Itching associated with urticaria and dermatitis (eczema, dermatitis, drug rash, cutaneous pruritus). Sneezing, nasal discharge, and coughing associated with the common cold. Product ?A is also indicated for the treatment of anxiety, tension, and irritation associated with neurosis, while Product ?B is also indicated for the treatment of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma.
Dosage: ?@ 2 mg (1 tablet) 1-4 times daily. ?A 10 mg ( tablet) 3-4 times daily. For the treatment of psychiatric disorders, a daily dose of 70-150 mg (7-15 tablets) should be administered divided into 3-4 doses according to the directions of the psychiatrist in charge. ?B 3 mg (1 tablet) twice daily.
Precautions: 1. Anfihistamines may cause drowsiness, tiredness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, and palpitations.
2. Individuals who become drowsy or dizzy due to antihistamine therapy must not engage in potentially hazardous activities.
Storage: ?@ & ?A Protected from light at room temperature. ?B At room temperature.


Corticosteroids should only be used after considering into which of the following categories the condition can be classified: 1) a condition for which corticosteroids are the treatment of first choice (e.g.. shock). 2) a condition which can often be relieved or completely cured or whose duration can be shortened by corticosteroids (e.g.. drug allergy). and 3) a condition which should be treated with corticosteroids only when it is severe or has not responded to other therapy (e.g.. bronchial asthma and rheumatoid arthritis).
?@ Predonine (Prednisolone tablets 5 mg)
?A Decadron (Dexamethasone tablets 0.5 mg)
Corticosteroids suppress biological responses to stimuli and thereby relieve the symptoms induced by such responses. They are very effective for the treatment of shock, rheumatoid disease and allergic diseases, but they suppress host immunity against bacterial invasion and growth.
Therefore, long-term or even short-term systemic administration of corticosteroids requires the concomitant use of antibiotics.
Indications: Severe eczema, severe urticaria, severe drug rashes, bronchial asthma, and rheumatoid disease.
Dosage: ?@ Initial therapy: Severe conditions: 15-20 mg/day (20-30 mg/day when required) divided into 4 doses or 2 doses (morning and evening).
Mild to moderateconditions: 10-15 mg/day divided into 4 doses or 2 doses (morning and evening).
Maintenance therapy: 5-10 mg/day (2-3 mg/day in some cases) divided into 2 doses (morning and evening).
?A Initial therapy: 1.5-3 mg/day divided into 2 doses (morning and evening).
Maintenance dose: 0.5-0.75 mg/day divided into 2 doses (in the morning and evening).
Precautions: 1. Corticosteroids must not be administered to patients with gastric/duodenal ulcer, diabetes mellitus, psychosis, severe hypertension, heart failure, tuberculosis, or nephritis.
2. Corticosteroids can only be used under the directions of health care professionals (through Radio Medical Communications). Consultation with health care professionals should be repeated when there is any question or concern, especially about the name and the dosage of a specific drug, after receiving protessional direction. Corticosteroids must not be used until the professional direction is thoroughly understood.
3. During use of any corticosteroid, the patient progress should be monitored closely. The patients' response to the drug should be reported to health care professionals and their directions should be followed strictly.
4. During use of any corticosteroid, attention should be paid to the possible occurrence of adverse reactions to the drug (e.g., infection, peptic ulcer, diabetes mellitus, fracture, and mental disorders) in order to achieve early detection of these reactions.
5. When discontinuing corticosteroid therapy, the drug should be tapered and must not be withdrawn abruptly.
Storage: Protected from light at room temperature.




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